Contributions from the European Union to Midterm Review 2023 - Working towards the achievement of the Sendai priorities and targets
This is a report highlighting key initiatives taken at EU level in support of the objectives on the occasion of the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework 2015-2030.
This report, released to mark the Midterm Review at the UN in New York, presents some of the EU’s key initiatives on the road to strengthening global preparedness, reducing risk and building resilience. Including the European Green Deal, the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change and the European Disaster Resilience Goals.
The objective of this document is twofold:
- To provide a non-exhaustive overview of key initiatives taken at EU level that have contributed to the four priorities and three (out of seven) targets of the Framework. As regards the targets, this document focuses on the qualitative targets that do not rely on data that would need to be provided by Member States; and
- To reiterate the EU’s commitment to contribute to the achievement, by 2030, of the goals and targets of the Framework.